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作者:佚名     时间:2012-05-04     浏览:883


    There was a boy with brown and a pair of glasses. He holds a root magical magic wand, gently and can take you into the magical magic world, let you moment for his divine power by surprise. He has a magic broom, ride on it, can heartily of fly in the air. Who is he? He is the magic of the young wizard-harry potter.
    In the "harry potter" in the book the illusory things become real. A wizard, a monster, elves, also an evil spirit. They respectively represent good and evil. And this kind boy, harry potter, is this the main character in the story. From the whole book to see, the author is the young wizard magic experience for clues to show the children and children, between students and teachers of the sincere affection, and is the children facing difficulties insist not shrink back wit, fights evil, use the power of their limited time and again to slip through. And the book's most special place is described and harry potter and his friends, in this mysterious of magic school.
    Everything is so magical, in this mysterious in the country, to ll wizard, old and young, owl become their messengers, letter can speak up to read, the flying broomstick is traffic with flying, much like the birds of heaven. Chess will think, the master called it the way, it automatic move into its place. Portraits of the people are living, and ile, will blink, free will fly to each other.
    All in all, this book to my feelings can only use one word to describe-" magic ". In this world of another corner, there is a magical land. There was a  incredible power of harry potter. And I read, and then fell into a magical of time and .

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