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Where Is Sally莎丽在哪英语作文

作者:佚名     时间:2016-01-20     浏览:735

        There are four members in our family ,who include my huand, Sally, Tim and I. Sally is my daughter and Tim is my son. Sally is 9 years old and her brother is only 7 years old. They are very friendly. They go to school together and play after school ry day.
        Our private garden is their faiand in which they enjoy themselves.
        Although our garden isn't big enough,it is very beautil. We have won a prize named The Most Creative Garden in our town ry year  There are many nice sceneries  in it, which is specially designed by my huand who spends a lot of time in gardening. So there are many visitors who often come here too.(绿叶鸟网 www.lvyeniao.cn)
        There is a all rockery in your sight when you stand at the gate of the garden,which is piled by many race stones. There is a cascade on the rockery ping into a peacel pond where there are a few flowers and all kinds of golden fish going from place to place.Along the right of the rockery is a road to a all bamboo forest from which you will feel fresh air. When you are go straight ahead , the blooming flowers on both sides of the winding path nod to you with ile, which makes you intoxicate. The redflowers are rose, the pink ones are sally and the yellow ones are chrysanthemum and so on.
        Turning left is the children’s area. There are few trees and a large greenland. It’s a sea of green. There is a swing , a seesaw and a slide .If you sit on them you might be reminded ofyour childhood.
        After  a circle, you  return to the gate again.
        Sometimes visitors play with my children. They hide my children in a place where I can’t easily found themscared.
Few days ago I was cock in the kichen. “Mum, my sister was not in my sight. I couldn’t find  her long time.” Suddenly Tim shouted with cries to me in the tree. “What’s the matter”? I said and ran out in a hurry from the kichen leaving, a pot of dark soup that was braising. He laughed at me while looking me. Actually, Sally was soaked herself in reading book under the tree which Tim cli. She was so deligence that she didn’t see a dog  running after a cat around her. Even she also can’t hear the noise from a man solding ice-cream What didn’t he see!. He played a joke on me. I was cheated.
        Ha Ha….. How lovely two babies are!

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