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False Promise虚假承诺英语作文

作者:佚名     时间:2016-01-15     浏览:213

        Funny and ridiculous, a hen with a pride (pride是“自豪的”意思,图中母鸡的表情应该是傲慢的,可以用arrgant) expression on her face is showing a note (note意为“笔记”,这里就一张纸,用paper就可以了) to promise that her eggs are ooth and round, and contain all the elements any egg does (elements是元素的意思,这里应该指“部分”,用parts that ry egg has即可). There is a poem conveying that various industries, highlighting their ability of realising their promises, are only doing their own part.

        The portrayal indicates that many trades are, nowadays, tending to make meaningless promisiton, including merely their ordinary job. This phenomenon is not isolated. Food suppliers guarantee their milk and fruits are healthy and safe for one's body; manufacturers swear to output products of good quality. It seems that payers should be satisfied with them just because they do what they are supposed to do.(原创作文投稿绿叶鸟网 www. sanwen .com)

        There is no use to promising  in this way. For not only customers will be kept from proper , but the false promisers will also leave the public a dishonest impression, which could hardly improve their vocation prospect. Thus, serving the payers with real things is the most appropriate way for business.

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