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Read Extensively

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:428
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 考研英语作文   Read Extensively
    Reading plays a very important part in human life. Every day we get in touch with reading something. We have a lot of things to read in our lives, such as books, magazines, newspapers, and n aertisement papers distributed rywhere. Through reading we can get a lot of usel information, for example, the latest news of our country and the world.
    Nrtheless, people's interests in reading vary considerably. Some people like reading novels. Some people like reading essays. Some other people may prefer reading magazines or newspapers. Here, what I want to emphasize is that no matter what you are interested in, you should read extensively.
    I have my reasons for it. First, we are living in a society ll of information. We should make ourselves well- informed in order to keep up with the steps of our society. Reading extensively is an efficient method of acquiring information. Second, we need many kinds of skills in our lives. Reading extensively can us learn those skills so that we can live comfortably in the world. The extensively yoead, the skills you can get. Third, we have a lot of decisions to make each day. Sometimes, we may feel difficult to make a correct decision. Reading extensively can you understand the world you live in, and therefore, you to make a clr decision in a difficult situation. Fourth, reading extensively can you enlarge the range of your knowledge so that you can communicate with others freely. You will find something to say when you talk with your friends no matter what topic you are talking about.
    There are some other aantages of reading extensively. Because of the significance of extensive reading, you should begin to do so immediately. If you have determined to read extensively from now on, you are sure to be able to find a lot of books you are interested in, and the time to read them. Your life will become much meaningl and substantial than before.

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