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黎明前的皮卡迪利大街-Piccadilly before dawn

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:402
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 考研英语作文    After the stir and ceaseless traffic of the day, the silence of Piccadilly early in the morning, in the all hours, seems barely credible. It is unnatural and rather ly. The great street in its emptiness has a sort of solemn broadness, descending in a majestic sweep with the assured and stately ease of a placid river. The are is pure and limpid, but resonant, so that a solitary cab suddenly sends the whole street ringing, and the heavy pace of the horse resounds with long rrberations. Impressive because of their regularity, the electric lights, self-assertive and brazen, flood the surroundings with a strong and snowy brightness; with a kind of indifferent violence they cast their light upon the huge silent houses, and lower down throw into distinctness the long nness of the park railings and the nearer trees. And between, outshone, like an unn string of discolored gems, twinkles the yellow flicker of the gas jets.
There is silence rywhere, but the houses are quiet and still with a different silence form the rest, standing very white but for the black gaping of the many windows. In their sleep, closed and bolted, they line the pavement, lessly as it were, disordered and undignified, having lost all significance without the busy hum of human voices and the hurrying noise of persons passing in and out.
(Adapted for Piccadilly Before Dawn by W. Somerset Maugham) Lion, Portugal
ceaseless  不停的,无休止的
ly  如同幽灵般的
majestic  雄伟的,壮丽的
sweep  范围,区域
stately  庄严的,雄伟的
placid  平静温和的
limpid  清澈透明的
resonant  回响的,共鸣的
resound  回响,充满声音
rrberation  回声
self-assertive  自作主张的
brazen  黄铜色的
gem  宝石
twinkle  闪烁,闪耀
flicker  忽隐忽现
gaping  洞开
bolted  上了闩的
undignified  不威严的,不庄重的

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