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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-10-08     浏览:551

  Dear Bob,
  I am writing to make an apology to you for I forgot to return a music CD which I borrowed from you last week. Yesterday I have come back from Canada and I found it in my luggage. I am so sorry that you cannot listen to it at present.
  The CD which I borrowed from you is made in Canada, so I beli you can find another one in your local store. How about your buying another wwW.lvyeniao.cn CD by yourself and I will pay for it? If you cannot find the similar one, I would send it back to you through a post office. And if there are any other solutions you like, please let me know.
  I am sorry again for my carelessness. Looking forward to your reply.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Ming

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