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A Young Pioneer

作者:陈佳     时间:2011-08-19     浏览:332

    Wang Lin is a Young Pioneer. It seems to me that he is a very ordinary student. He is tall and thin. He is a boy of few words. But we all know he is quite good at English and Chinese.
    Last week a woman came to our school. She came to thank Wang Lin. The woman is Li Qiang's mother. This is the story she told us.
    “A year ago, my son, Li Qiang, was seriously ill. He was so ill that he couldn't go to school. When Wang Lin learned it from the newspaper. he decided to do something to my son.He kept visiting my son and encouraged him. He ed him with his lessons once a week. They made good friends. With the of Wang Lin, Li Qiang didn't feel lonely any . Now Li Qiang has recovered. I am quite gratel to the boy for his kind .”
    What a good Young Pioneer he is!
    1) it seems to me我似乎觉得
    2) a very ordinary student一个十分普通的学生
    3) a boy of few words一个沉双寡言的人
    4) He was so ill that he couldn't go to school.他病得很重,无法上学。
    5) him with his lessons帮助他学V
    6) once a week每周一次
    7) They made good friends.他们成了。
    8) 1 am quite gratel to the boy for his kind .我十分感激他的帮助。

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