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There's No Story without Coincidence

作者:陈佳     时间:2011-08-21     浏览:887

    The story happened a year ago.
    One day. I was walking along the street when an old man walked towards me. He asked me the way in English. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't understand what he said. He repeated again and again. At last I seemed to know what he was saying.
    He was a Japanese. He thought I could speak English. So he asked me the way in English. My goodness! His Japanese English consed me a lot. Then he spoke English very slowly.He n wrote the English words on a piece of paper. In the end I mad to him get the right way. I thought maybe it was necessary for me to learn some Japanese.
      A few months later, I was enrolled to attend a summer course, learning Japanese. I was surprised to find that old man was there, teaching us Japanese.
    There's no story without coincidence!
    1)No matter how hard!tried!couldn't understand what he said.无论为怎样努力也无法理解他说的话。
    2) ask me the way in English用英语向我问路
    3) My goodness!我的天哪!
    4) His Japanese English consed me a lot.他的英语把我搞得晕头转向。
    5) In the end 1 mad to him get the right way.最后我总给他指明了路。
    6) I was enrolled to attend a summer course, learning Japanese.我报名参加署期班学习日语.

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