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What Will Shanghai Be Like in 2010?

作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-22     浏览:498

    As we all know, the World Expo will he held in Shanghai in 2010. No doubt Shanghai will be beautil by then.
    In 2010 you can see and high-rises in Shanghai.More underground railways will be built. You will find it convenient to travel in Shanghai. More trees will be planted.The water will be cleaner and the sky will be bluer. What a nice city!
    In 2010,many foreign friends will come to visit Shanghai. So Shanghai will be really an international city. Don't you think so?
    1) no doubt毫无疑问
    2) many foreign friends更多的外国朋友

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上一个:The Worid Expo in 2010
下一个:Shanghai Museum
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