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Early Rising

作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-22     浏览:812

    Early rising is a good habit.
    First,it s us to keep fit. We all need fresh air, but air is nr so fresh as early in the morning.
    Secondly, early rising s us in our studies.We learn quickly in the morning, and find it easier to remember important things.
    Thirdly,early rising give us enough time to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast. I decide to rise early ry day.
    1) to keep fit保持健康
    2) nr so fresh as early in the morning从未像早孟那样新鲜
    3) find it easier to remember important things觉得更容易记住重要的东西
    4) enough time to足够做……的时间
    5) First首先
    6) Secondly第二
    7) Thirdly第三

喜 欢


上一个:We Cannot Live without the Sun
下一个:Form a Good Habit
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