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My View on Comrs

作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-22     浏览:656

    Comrs have played an important part in our life. They can do most of the things people can do. Through comrs, we can acquire knowledge and get the latest news. Comrs have made the communication with our friends convenient and easy.But some young people are so interested in pla外ng games on line that they n out of school. It is not the comrs' fault.It depends on the users. We should make good use of comrs.
    1) play an important part in our life在我们的生活中起重要作用
    2) acquire knowledge and get the latest news获取知识,得到最新
    3) out of school退学
    4) be interested in doing sth.付做……感兴趣

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