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作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-23     浏览:645

    When we are used to the cars running in the streets now, we may forget the life with bicycles. Tens of years ago, people used to go to work by bike. Bicycles are cheap and convenient. So many bicycles in the street used to be a great view. In fact,riding bicycles is a good exercise to keep healthy. And it s to prnt the air pollution. We’d better ride bicycles as often as we can.
    1)be used to习惯于
    2) tens of years ago几十年前
    3) used to go to work by bike(过去)常常绮自行车上班
    4) used to be a great view(过去)常常是一大景观
    5) prnt the air pollution防止污染
    6) as often as we can尽可能经常地

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