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Pets and People

作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-24     浏览:549

    Now many people like to keep pets. They look on pets as their family members.  When people get old, they may feel lonely. So some of them like to keep pets, because pets can give them a lot of pleasure. But keeping a pet takes time and costs money. When you have a pet,you must spend time taking care of it. When your pet gets sick,you must send it to hospital.Besides,too many pets make the room dirty and they may spread disease.
    1) took on…as把……看作
    2) feel lonely感到孤独
    3) take time要花时间
    4) cost money要花钱
    5) make the room dirty把房间弄脏
    6) spread disease传播疾病

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