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作者:佚名     时间:2014-10-14     浏览:881

  I have fourth-grade primary school students, than r sensible, but obedient。
  In the new semester, I was for a new learning environment, again met a group of students, this is a good start。
  We should strive to adapt to the environment, good play in the new semester, and students a good relationship, difficulties in learning, but also can each other, when nothing, you can also learn from each other。
  I also intend to earnestly lfill the job of the teacher to observe classroom discipline, to class, nothing can go to the campus library to look at some interesting books。 I will no longer be an average student, I will become a class cadres, students in general。 I will punch the little things, such as: do not be late, no days are wearing red scarf, earnest clean, I will become a teacher in the eyes of a good , the mother in the eyes of the good boy。
  I will come up with a new spirit execute promise, certainly to me with adation, to become a good student。

  Time flies, I have two grade friends! I'm so happy! Of course, the beginning of a new semester, vying for a comprehensive dlopment of qualified young pioneers in the class, to be disciplined, listen carelly and actively think for enthusiastically raised their hands to speak; exam to overcome the shortcomings of careless; school home, and earnestly lfill teacher assignments, and then to preview tomorrow will be learning new content; love the team but also care about the class, to others, and common progress and students; reading some meaningl reading materials to increase knowledge, broaden horizons; mom and Dad to do some of those things。 Of course! Still insist on physical exercise, strong body。
  The new plan for my new semester, second grade, I was confident I! I will be trying to board a new ll。

  The new semester, my intention and friends to share。 A little good-natured, paying attention in a point, and I feel hr, the goal of the new semester: "carel and attentive no longer careless, joy and happiness that is no longer sad! Concentrate concentrate longer distracted"! I wish: "final exam 100 points。
  Well, let's start from scratch, starting today, to let the spirit of the athletes who won the championship of this learning to concentrate on learning the same up! I cry out: "The goal has been set, push harder!

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