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盲目追星英语作文:My view to be crazy about worship the stars

作者:佚名     时间:2015-11-06     浏览:347

        Nowadays, we can see many strange phenomena. More and young people, especially middle school students are crazy about adoring all kinds of stars. Now it is becoming a fashion to follow. They desire to visit their idols, at any cost .No matter when and where the stars appear, they will give of lots of time and money to see their performance. It is as if nothing can stop their enthusias. They n spend lots of money that his parents earned to provide them with their studies buying many their idols ‘products. What’s ? They have less time to accompany their parents. They n have bad effect on their studies. Many of them fail to pass the exams.
In my opinion, I don’t think it is right to worship the all kinds of stars blindly.
        Firstly, as a middle school student .It is their chief duty to study hard. They don’t need to waste lots of time to do meaningless things which are not relevant to their studies. Remember, time is not money .Frankly; ryone has the right to like or dislike the stars. If they are addicted to worshiping the stars, the problems are serious .I think they should regard the star as a good example to study hard to realize their dreams. I also hope the good example let them understand nothing is impossible if they put their heart into them.
Secondly, Students don’t have ability to make money. Their parents provide them with money which is used for buying school things and living costs. If they spend lots of money buying many their idols’ products, they will not have no money to pay for the expenses which are related to their school things and living costs. What’s worse! It will add their parents living burdens.
        Thirdly, because of being addicted to worshiping the stars, they lose lots of valuable time which we spend with their parents and good friends. They are short of communication, so their parents and friends seem to become strangers. 
        Lastly , I want to urge young people to worship the stars rationally. Students can’t be addicted to the stars; otherwise it is harml to their health. Work must come first . No matter how the society changes, it is a student‘s duty to study hard to enter an ideal university.

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上一个:醉酒驾驶英语作文:Drunken Driving
下一个:我对追星的看法英语作文:My opinion about the stars
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