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城市介绍:咸阳简介-A Brief Introduction to&nbs

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:917
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 高中英语作文   

A Brief Introduction to the City of Xianyang
Ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to our city. Tomorrow you'll begin your visiting. Now let me tell you something about our city. Xianyang is a famous city in China. It is 20 kilometers away from Xi'an. It's a city of middle size with a population of 400, 000. In the history of China, eln dynasties made Xianyang their capital. So our city is an old one. There're many places of interest here. Especially, in the north of the city stand dreds of to of ancient emperors, kings, generals and ministers. It's one of the wonders in our country.
Xianyang is also famous for its light industry. You'll see some large cotton mills, each of which has than ten thousand workers in it.
I hope you'll have a good time in our city.
Thank you.
cotton mills 棉织厂
1)本文是一篇景点介绍说明文。主要讲的是该市的地理位置和历史遗迹。所以,组织这类文章的结构时,一般遵循先总后分,由总体到局部、由外到内、由概述到细节的空间顺序(spatial order)。这点从文中就可以看得出来。在第二段中,作者在主题句“Xianyang is a famous city in China.”后先说咸阳距西安的距离,再讲其大小,接着讲历史上的情况,最后突出细节,即帝王陵墓。
2)由于本文是口头介绍,所以在正文前应有称呼语和开场白,即引言段(introductory paragraph)。从文体上讲,应该用口头英语(spoken English)或非正式英语(informal English),这在本文主要表现在“you'll”,“It's”,“there're”等缩约形式;句子都比较短,容易上口。


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下一个:农村介绍:刘家湾村-Welcome to Our Village
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