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作者:蔡佳颖     时间:2011-05-03     浏览:732

A Special and Warm Story—— On The Bronte Story(《勃朗特一家的故事》)


    The first time I read this book,I thought it would be a common and story and I would not be affected by a family’s story. But when I read the six children’s mother——the family’s hostess(女主人), a thin and kind woman was dead, I changed my mind. The story was begun with “death” and also ended with “death”. It’s such a thin book, but I thought I learned a lot from it, not only “death”.
    Briefly speaking, the story is about six children and their family. To begin with, their mother dies early. Although they have a kind aunt to them, taking care of six children is not an easy thing. So their father——Pattick Bronte takes them to a school that he thinks is “good”. But later, the two children named——Maria and Elizabeth die there. The “death” first shows up and causes a big storm.
    From then on, their father is afraid of losing any child. So they only stay at home. They draw by themselves, and write by themselves. I think it is the best time for their whole life. Because of their youth, innocence(天真), creativity and their children’s nature, they not only play but also devote themselves to their mysterious(神秘的) world, which they don’t tell anybody including their dear father. When I read “People in those countries fought battles(打仗) and fell in love, and wrote letters and poems. My children drew maps of the countries, wrote newspapers about them. They invented a new world for themselves”(P 25), I should say I begin to ade them. It looks like some children’s game. In fact, it is their ture, brilliant(灿烂的) ture.(英语作文)
    I’m quite surprised like anybody when I read the girl named “Charlotte(夏洛蒂)” took a book titled Jane Eyre(《简爱》) and told her father, “Papa, I’ve been writing a book, and I want you to read it”(P 62). Jane Eyre? That famous novel? I think it is only a joke, but not! It’s true. The press(出版社) made a mistake. They mistook “Currer Bell” for “Charlotte”. Howr, Chatlotte didn’t care about and change it. The old father is also the father of the writer of Wuthering Heights(《呼啸山庄》) . So now, in my opinion, it’s not a story. Perhaps it still is. A story for the old father, for the six children.Www.lvyeniao.cn
    Now, I want to introduce you my favourite character——Emily. I love her because the words “She was a strange, quiet girl, Emily, she loved to walk by herself on the wild moors(沼泽) lonely, with her dog Keeper running by her side”(P 45). I think that is my ideal(理想的) life, too. I also like her because her different thoughts, and her dog “keeper”. But she also died of disease when she was young. What a pity, but I will remember her forr!
    And Charlotte, I think she is the lucky person. She is famous and she gets married in the end. Howr, she is also unlucky, because she died when she would become a mother, leaving her old father and her huand who loved her very much.
    Happiness, which is like a straw(稻草) in the wind, will easily becomes distress(不幸).
    The story is ended with “the whole children’s death”. It is a sad story. But the happy time in this story always makes me so enchanted(着迷). So it’s not only a sorrowl story, right?

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