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席卷中国的“抢红包”英语作文:“Red envelope” fr swept China

作者:佚名     时间:2015-11-06     浏览:200

        A red packet is simply a red envelope with gift money in it,which is a tradition in China. It is usually handed out to younger generations by their parents,grandparents,or relatives ,symbolizing luck and wealth. But this Lunar New Year, the age-old practice is going high-tech. This tradition has turned into electronic "hong bao" by Web giants Alibaba, Tencent, WeChat and so on. It is now possible to exchange "red envelopes" via artphone, which is proving a popular trend inChina.“Red envelope” fr swept the country in the Spring Festival of 2015 when WeChat, Tencent and Alibaba or friends sent cash through electronic payments. Most people picked up the phone ,crazily shaking, starred at the phone, crazily pointing, or held the mouse, strongly pressing. it can bring them n and they can make their friendship with others closer.
        As for this phenomenon, I have my own opinions. For one thing , It provides a new way of communication for people. It's convenient, . it can bring them n and they can make their friendship with others closer. With electronic red envelopes, you're not limited by your identity or the time of year. It's a new, fresh way of playing the game. For another thing, electronic red envelopes also attract agers and s to become hooked on the comr or mobilphone, their social and school life is affected by this situation. They spend all their free time surfing and don’t concentrate on homework. So this influences their grades.
        We should distinguish the aantages and disaantages of electronic red envelopes. Do right things at right time.

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上一个:抢红包英语作文:Grabbing red envelopes
下一个:网上抢红包英语作文:Grab a Red Envelope Online
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