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抢红包英语作文:Grab A Gif money

作者:佚名     时间:2015-11-08     浏览:245

        One of of the New year. We family sat around the table watched the TV and picked up our mobile phone .Then we shaked it .We were grabing the gift money .In this year,the electronic envelopes all most instead of the real red envelopes.
        With the change of the motherland change rapidy , the dlopment of scinence and technology. One hand mobile phone is not a dream .Mobile phone affects our way of life. For example , using a mobile phone to sent the gift of New Year.The activity about grabing red envelopes in Wechat is hot.The money is the electronic envelopes although less,but still triggered a frenzy. And I beli it will become a way of exchanging blessings of friends or relatives.
        Wechat grab envelopes such activities not only embodies the Chinese teoditional custom,and make it intelligent .This is a step forward in the innovation of our Chinese intelligent process on. This is a combination of tradition and innovation . Both modern and national sense. I like it very much.
        Anyway, the nation is the world. So I like we should let it carry forward .And expect like that ethic and modern technolopy combine together.

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上一个:网上红包英语作文:Online red envelope
下一个:The person I love most
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