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偶像的力量英语作文:The Power of Idol

作者:佚名     时间:2015-08-19     浏览:290

        As the dlopment of the media, people are affected by the TV and commercial ads, they keep their eyes on the amusement all the time, so they will become a fan. Especially for the agers, they chase for the idols. Idols bring the great effect on the public, their power is huge. 
        Today, weibo is very popular for people to share the information. The celebrities open their accounts and they record their lives on it. Many fans will keep their eyes on their idols’ accounts, they want to know rything about their idols. When the celebrities post the news about ing the poor people, then the fans will try their best to the poor people. The fans will follow their idols’ words.
        As the power from idol is so effective, so the idol should keep the positive image to the public. 
        The idols have the responsibility to keep the positive image, so that their power can be used in the proper way.


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