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实践与学习英语作文:Social Activities and our Study

作者:佚名     时间:2016-03-11     浏览:546

  篇一:Social Activities and our Study
  When is comes to social activities ,we can the thoughtof study. Learning aanced techndogy,learning in dealing 
withpeople,leaarn to improve yourself,and learn to survive in society.
  We are life always study.Study can make one to make  progress.So study there is no end.Always have a lot of new
knowledge appear. Study these new knowledge is our social activities.
  Why for us  social activities is very important? Because we live in this wold. The wold because social there are so there are .And we for  social activities is important. When our fou the first time  start  social activities. Our don't know what is reght and what is wrong. Take the initiaive to study can for our quickly get rid of this kind of trouble. Then better to live in social. It is very important.
  So  social activities and our study is go hand in hand. We must keep in mind that.(绿叶鸟网-WWW.lvyeniao.cn)

  篇二:Social Activities and our Study
  Here I'd like to explain my opinion on social activities and study.As we all know that,social activities is an important and n essential part of the colorl college life,but after I knew that a large number of college students got lost in too much social activities,I realise that,to be a outstanding college student,we must deal with the relationship between social activities and study well.In my opinion,these two factors don't comflict whth each other.
  For example,as a student in the Mathmetic College,I join the Olympic Mathmetics corporation,and actually I'm one of the leaders of the corporation.But corporation activities don't waste me much time,instead,it offored me a opportunity to dlop my social contact ability and learn professional knowledge at the same time.
  So in my opinion,the important thing is not to balance social activities and study,but to combine them.We should use social activities as a tool to learn.We can always find social activities related to our study and then learn through it,as long as we want to.

  篇三:Social Activities and our Study
  Socail activities benefit us in many ways.to begin with,social activetieis can widen our knowledg,we can learn form these activities what we can't learn from books.secondly,social activities can serve as a bridge between theory and practice,we can learn how to put our books knowledge into practice.lastly,social activities can enrich our experience,we can get to know the society well so that we can adapt to it easily when we graduate.
  Too many social activities,on the other hand,can cause a lot of problems.study is our most improtant task in our daily life,and social activities only,and should always be supplyment.if we are busy with social activities and don't learn school subjects well,we can't become a qualified students.
  There for,it is suggested that we students should spent time and energy on studying,and once a while participate in some social activities,only in this way can social activities benefite us.

  篇四“Social Activities and our Study
  There are a lot of beneficial things in social activities. For example ,we can get some social experiences from social practice. As a college student, we can know about the society and it is easy to adapt ourselves to the society before we graduate. 
  Howr ,the social activities are also cause a lot of disaantages. If you spent a lot of time on social activities, you will nr be able to a good command of knowledge. Therefore ,we will fail to be qualified students . 
In my opinion, the college students are need to take part in the social activities, but we should do it in our spare time.     
  Thus ,we can not only learn to knowledge in school .but also benefit us in social activities.

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