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Walking is good to peoples health(

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:815
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语作文   

  题目要求:写一篇 100 ~ 120 字的短文。说明步行有益健康。(内容自选)


  Walking is good to people's health

  As ryone knows, either fast walk or slow walk does good to the muscles (肌肉) and lungs of human. So people walk to build up their body, or to lose weight. But only some of them know that taking a walk ry day is also good for protecting man's heart. Heart attack has become the first disease in the world because most people suffer from it.

  Taking a walk can improve the blood supply to our heart. If you try to walk as often as possible, you'll have a healthier heart.

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