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The office of Dean of students 

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:811
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   

  Suppose you are required to write a Want Ad for the Dean. You are supposed to base this ad on the outline given below:

  Student Consultant to the Dean Wanted

  Duties: meeting with students; presenting oral and written reports; attending sessions

  Requirements: ll-time student with a strong sense of responsibility

  Salary: 6000RMB an academic year

  Time Commitment: 15h weekly

  Deadline: Dec.23; to Li Meng 74543322

  The office of Dean of students is looking for a Student Consultant to the Dean for the upcoming academic year.

  Duties of this position will include: meeting with students as individuals and groups to discuss issues, opinions, problems,complains suggestions and recommendations regarding all areas of college policy; presenting regularly oral and written reports to the Dean of students; and attending various college sessions in the capacity as the student spokesperson.

  Candidates should be ll-time students of this college. The ideal applicant will be skilled in report writing and oral communication;will get along with other individuals; and will demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility.

  The salary of this position is 6000 RMB an academic year, and the time required for this job is 15 hours a week. Applicants can make a telephone call to Li Meng before Dec.23. The phone number is 74543322

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