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A Five》Workday Week

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:176
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   A Five》Workday Week
   A five-workday week was officially adopted across China in May 1995. It got an immediate welcome for it was implemented (实施) in answer to the heart-felt calls of all sides. With time passing by, it enjoys popularity.
   Indeed, there are sral obvious advantages of a five-workday week. First, it greatly increases efficiency in enterprises (企业) and government agencies, so it contributes to the nation's economy. Second, it arouses enthusiasm, and people concentrate on their tasks in working hours. Third, after working hard for five days people have leisure time to pursue long desired intellectual interests and personal hobbies. Fourth, families can arrange the household in a longer relaxing weekend.
   To conclude, a five workday week benefits the whole society. The shift from a six workday week to a five-workday week indicates conceptual (观念上的) changes and social progress. The practice of a five workday week follows the international trend and satisfies the needs of modern Chinese people. In ture it will show profound (深刻的) significance.
范文分析  本篇是说明文。作者确立“以人为本”开启思路。第一段在介绍“五天工作制”出台背景及反响时,所选“welcome”、“the heart—felt calls Of all sides”、“popularity”等词语均勺人的感受相关。第二段说明优点时,从宏观和微观两方而着眼:谈到了给国家经济带来的利益,更多笔墨谈到了给个人、家庭带来的好处。结论段在概括后,又通过历史沿革、国际趋势、国情发展拓展了实施“五天工作制”的意义。全文内容充实,思考层次鲜明。

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