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A Letter of Complaint-抱怨信

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:222
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   A Letter of Complaint (2)
Patronizing Office Help
Dear Dr. Brock,
      I am sending this letter to your home instead of discussing the matter with you in the office because I didn' t want to interrupt your busy schedule or be overheard by one of your associates. And, frankly, I'm afraid it would be sidetracked if sent to your office.
      It concerns the condescending manner of your nurse, and,to a lesser extent, of your receptionist. While it's been a minor annoyance for some time, I decided, after the rudeness displayed by these two yesterday, to bring the matter to your attention.
      I find it inexcusable that, while taking my temperature anddrawing blood, Mrs. Gargoyle persists in berating me with such insults as "You' ve obviously put on a few pounds since last time and Doctor won't like that one bit" and "Doctor and I feel that you could push yourself away from the table a little sooner."
      While I' m at least three times Nancy's age she summons me in from the waiting room by my first name. Before scheng my next appointment she has the audacity to ask,"When will We be seeing you again, dearie?"
      Curiously such incidents nr occur when you're within earshot. I have nr expected ,the red carpet treatment, but I am always on time for appointments and pay bills promptly and follow your advice as best I can. It would seem not an unreasonable expectation to be treated with common courtesy in return.
                                     Yours truly.

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上一个:A Letter of Apology-致歉信
下一个:A Letter of Complaint-抱怨信
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