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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-11-10     浏览:211

    The old Chinese proverb goes, "To Open a Book Is always Beneficial". Many of us read books ryday. But not all of us know clearly what we can get from reading good books. The following are my ideas on the benefit of reading good books.
    First of all, good books can give us pleasure. There are many kinds of joy to be found in good books: enjoyment of the story, the ideas, and the use of beautil language. Even the ell and feel of a good book can bring us pleasure. Second, good books can offer us companionship. With good books in hand, we need nr be lonely. The people we meet in the book may delight us either because they resemble human friends that we hold dear, or because they present unfamiliar types that we are glad to welcome as new friends. Lastly, good books can widen our experience. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of aentures, but all of us can lead richer lives and experience a variety of feelings through reading good books.
    Since we can derive from good books pleasure, companionship, and experience, we should read as many good books as possible.(英语作文)

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