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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-11-10     浏览:491

    Increasing numbers of college students are cutting classes, which has caused a great deal of social concern and critici. Some think that the larger part of the blame should go to the students. Others, howr, think that it is the teachers who should be responsible. But I think both the students and the teachers have fault of their own.
    Compared with middle school students, college students have relatively "". If they are not strict with themselves, chances are that they will oversleep in the morning, go to the Internet or find other activities to entertain themselves during class hours. In addition, some students have the misconception that work experience is important than theoretical knowledge when it comes to job ting. So they busy themselves in part time jobs when they should be attending class.
    On the other hand, some teachers still conduct classes in the old fashioned way. Their classes are so boring that they make many students fall asleep. Besides, some textbooks are so out of date that they think it a waste of time attending classes.
    In a word, both the students and the teachers should be wide awake to this serious problem and make great efforts to use the time at college to its best aantage.(英语作文)

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