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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-12-03     浏览:313

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic College Students’ Starting Their Own Undertakings. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
College Students’ Starting Their Own Undertakings
  Nowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of finding a job after graduation. The government encourages this practice, and provides many preferential policies and facilitation measures for college students. This phenomenon has aroused great concern from the whole society.(英语作文)
  Howr, why do so many college students take the way of starting their own undertakings? Firstly, college students are facing sre employment situations. Many college graduates couldn’t find ideal jobs, which forces them to set up their own businesses. Moreover, some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others. They want to dlop and prove their talents by running their own businesses. Besides, the government’s encouragement and the media’s reports on college students venture stars have stimulated college students’ enthusia to take this way.
  As for me, it is a good choice for college students to start their own undertakings. Howr, it is a very difficult cause, which needs firm determination, clear mind, ability to endure hardship and a feasible . Therefore, think it over and make ll preparation before you decide to start your own business.(绿叶鸟网)

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