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Great Changes in Shanghai's Transportation

作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-22     浏览:267

    Great   changes   have   taken   place   in   Shanghai's transportation. Ten years ago. there were many narrow streets.But now many streets have been widened. So buses and cars can go quickly than before.    Ten years ago,it was not convenient to go from the north of the city to the south. But now, you are sure to reach anywhere in less than an hour. To our joy, we have two underground lines and many are being built. We seldom find traffic jam in rush hours. So we don't have to worry about going out. With the dlopment of science and technology, the transportation in Shanghai will become all the better.
    1) Many streets have been widened.许多街道被拓宽1"
    2) in less than an hour在一个小时之内
    3) to our joy使我们高兴的是
    4) Many are being built.更多的正在建造中.
    5) become all the better变得越来越好

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