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Shanghai Qcean Aquarium

作者:佚名     时间:2011-08-22     浏览:700

    Place:    In Pudong (near the Shanghai Radio and TV tower) Animals:Sharks, penguins, sea horses, colourl fishes and so on.How do you get there:   By underground.Tickets:  grown-ups 110 yuan each.
          Students and children 70 yuan each.
    Shanghai Ocean Aquarium lies near the Shanghai Radio and TV Tower. There're many interesting animals in it, such as sharks, penguins, sea horses, colourl fishes and so on. It's n to see so many real fishes, sea plantings in the water with your own eyes. They are closer to you than you can imagine.You can go there by underground. The ticket for is 110 yuan. For a student or a child,it's only 70 yuan. It's a bit expensive, but you can learn a lot and enjoy yourselves there.
    1) Shanghai Ocean Aquarium上海海洋水族馆
    2) it's n很有趣
    3) with your own eyes亲眼
    4) They are closer to you than you can imagine.它们离你比你想象的还要近。

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