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Waiting for an Interview(等待面试)

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:609
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语作文   

     The words "part-time job" always bring back to me the memory of my first interview for a part-time job.
     That afternoon a great number of nervous and excited young interviewees were waiting for their turns in the hall. Some were walking back and forth, others talking about their nerves. I had many butterflies in my stomach. I tried to predict the interviewers' questions and how I should give my answers. Though I had made ll preparation for the interview, I still had some fears, for it was my first interview.
     At last, it was my turn. I got up and walked quickly towards the door. I felt my face red and my heart beat fast. Suddenly a voice said in my mind,"Calm down! Calm down! Try your best and you will pass. "Encouraged by these words, I got my confidence and began my interview oothly.


      Last summer vacation I had my first interview in my life in order to get a part-time job.
      That afternoon I stood in the hall with a great number of young interviewees. We were waiting for our turns to be interviewed. All of us were nervous and excited. Some were walking back and forth, others talking about their nerves. I had many butterflies in my stomach. I tried to predict the interviewers' questions and how I should give my answers. Though I had made ll preparation for the interview, I still had some fears, for it was my first interview.
     At last, it was my turn. I got up and walked quickly towards the door. My heart beating fast, I entered the room. At the moment I met with the iling eyes of the interviewer, I gained my confidence and began my interview oothly.


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上一个:A Lesson Learned in the Reading-roo
下一个:Learning to Play the Piano(我学弹钢琴)
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