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Learning to Play the Piano(我学弹钢琴)

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:730
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语作文   

     When I was a child, I was fascinated by the melody of piano on the screen. At that time, I dreamed of being a pianist and having my own piano.
     At the age of five, my father bought me a beautil piano as my birthday present with the money they had saved for a long time. At the same time, my father found a piano teacher for me and ry day I would practise it again and again as my father demanded. Before long, my interest in piano was transferred to other things. I began to escape the practice as much as I could. My father found out my impatience. He encouraged me and was stricter with me than r before. With his ,  I underwent the hardest time and devoted myself to the piano.
      Now, in my spare time after a long time of study and hard work, I always play the piano and enjoy the beautil music.


      When I was a child, I was fascinated by the melody of piano on the screen. At that time I had a dream that I could own a piano and play it ry day.
      My dream came true. My father bought me a beautil piano as my present on my fifth birthday. It cost them all the money they had saved for a long time. My father found a piano teacher for me and ry day I would practise it again and again as my father demanded. Before long, my interest in piano was transferred to other things. I began to escape the practice as much as I could. It was my father that encouraged me and accompanied me at that time. With his , I underwent the hardest time and devoted myself to the piano at last.
     At present in my spare time when I finish my work or when I have a break in my work, I always play the piano and enjoy the beautil melody.


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上一个:Waiting for an Interview(等待面试)
下一个:Going Home(回家)
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