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A Letter

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:632
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   

A Letter
Dear Xiao Wang,
    I'm glad to hear that you will come to visit me. Welcome to our beautil city  Beijing.
    I have some suggestions for the arrangement of your week-long holiday. You can come here by train on the morning of the first day. On that afternoon, you can visit Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum. You can spend the second day visiting the Great Wall, which is magnificant. There are many famous parks in this city, such as Yuyuantan Park, Beihai Park and so on. You can come to these places on the third and fourth day. On the fifth day, you can stay at my home and have a good rest.
    In addition, I want to remind you of a few things. Firstly, you should take your sports shoes with you, because you will have to walk many nfiles. Secondly, you should also take your student card with you, because you can pay half of the money for some tickets.
    I'm looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible.

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