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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-11-10     浏览:1003

    Most people think that the older you get, the harder it is to learn a new language. This is because they beli that children learn languages easily and efficiently than s. Thus, at some point in our lives, maybe around ages 12 or 13, we lose the ability to learn languages well. Is it true that children learn a foreign language efficiently than s? It may not necessarily be the case. In fact, the ability to learn language increases as the age increases, from childhood to hood.
    There are sral possible explanations for these findings. For one thing, s know about the world and, therefore, are able to understand things easily than children. Moreover, s can use logical thinking to them see patterns in the language. Finally, s have self discipline than children.
    All in all, the common conception that children are better language learners than s may not necessarily be true. Hopelly, this would encourage learners to become successl language learners, no matter what new languages they want to learn.(英语作文)

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