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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-11-10     浏览:954

写作导航:本文应首先阐述英语,语的重要性,紧接着举例支持,说明英语口语在现代社会中的重要;第二段结合“我”自己,列出英语口语不好的几个主要原因;第三段指出,只要有决心,措施跟上,英语口语就一定会好起来。文章用汉语格言“世上无难事,只要有心人。”或英语格言“Where there is a will,there is a way.”收尾,会很有说服力。
    When we study English, we learn to listen, speak, read and write. Of these abilities, speaking is the most important. As we all know, the ndamental means of commUnication is speaking. Onlyby speaking to each other directly can two people exchange their ideas freely and efficiently. This is especially true in modern times when we live in a "global village", where joint ventures and overseas touri become commonplace. Many employers in joint ventures speak English, so do most of the tourists. Many difficulties will arise if we can't express ourselves fluently in English.
    In spite of my awareness of its importance, I seldom find chances to practice and improve my oral English. So, I am still very weak with regard to this respect. one reason is that my pronunciation and intonation aren't good enough.  The other is that I am so shy that I am always too nervous to find the exact words to express my ideas and feelings. As a result the best way for me to do is to remain silent when others are practicing and great progress in their oral English ryday.
    Now I am attaching much importance to oral English and I have made up my mind to seize ry opportunity to practice. I begin to participate actively in all kinds of English activities, such as going to "English Corners", talking in English with my ctes and with native speakers. "Nothing is difficult in the world if yoeally put your heart to it." as the Chinese saying goes. If I can build up my confidence, if I am not afraid of losing face any , if I really work hard on it, I am sure my oral English will be excellent someday.(英语作文)

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