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作者:胡老师     时间:2010-11-10     浏览:687

    College life is always accompanied by various examinations. College students have examinations both in the middle and at the end of each semester. Sometimes most of these examinations are rather difficult. So it is aisable that you learn some good ways to do well in examinations.
    The best way is to study the subject thoroughly during the whole term; listen attentively to the teacher's lectures, and take carel notes. Go over your textbooks and notes and make sure you understand them all. Ask your ctes or teachers for instantly if you come across problems when you clo your assignments after class. Do not delay until you forget them because these problems may prompt out when you take the exams, which will affect your scores ntually. Go over the most important parts in your textbooks and in your notes. Do not try to remember too many things at a time.
    Make up a timetable for your review. Start your review at least two weeks before the examination takes place. A few days before the examination, you should start to go to bed early to get enough rest. With a refreshed mind, you will find next morning you are very efficient in your reviewing. The day before the examination, it is wise to give your brain a good rest. Surely, you will pass and probably get a good score if you can follow what I suggested above.(英语作文)

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